I used to be a really great swimmer. When I was a child my brother, cousin and I watched "Sea Hunt" starring Lloyd Bridges every week. Mike Nelson was my hero. I spent whole summers under the water with my scuba mask. My sun tanned face had a white round oval where my mask was all afternoon. I dreamed of having an aqua lung but settled instead for contests with my cousin to see who could hold their breath the longest. There have been a few times in my life I have felt near drowning. The first time I remember finding out I couldn't breath under the water I was really little. I remember being at the end of my grandfather's pier with my Great Uncle Harry and my Dad. From the pictures that were taken after wards I can see I was about three years old. I had a dress on. I fell in. I remember the bubbles, my skirt billowing in the water and my hair floating about my face. I saw my Dad and Uncle Harry above. It looked like I saw them through swirled stain glass all full of bubbles and hair. They say little kids instinctively don't breathe when they are submerged. Apparently that was true for me. It seemed I was suspended there for a long time watching them above me. Then I just remember the splash of Uncle Harry jumping in after me in his suit and tie. He yanked me out of the water and handed me to my Dad. I was never afraid that the hands of the sea could pull me under it's surface until exactly that happened in Jamaica. I gained a real respect for the water and the power it has when it decides to turn rough. So this is my contribution to Illustration Friday this week...Under the Sea.
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