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September 07, 2007


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I love seeing the pile of little fabric scraps growing on the floor when I make a quilt, then I think, oh, it will be such a pretty picture, then somehow it gets lots in translation. I like your neet rows and stacks of things!


I lurve your greens! Now I have to go buy more greens - and reds.

Are those your beads?? Wow, I am truly impressed by that!

I would send you photos of my stash but it would take a couple of days to pull it all out and gather it together!


I understand comlpletely. I don't have any pictures of my stashes which are hugely unorganized but I have lots of buttons, fibers and paper, paper, paper. I also can never have enough colors of rubber stamp pads, glitter, etc. There is green and then there is the RIGHT green. Two completely different things.


it looks like a store over here!!! i don't have a stash of anything the likes of what you have going on here.

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